Bali as one of the most favorite destination in the world has a lot of stories and uniqueness, with this blog we will review all activities, event, restaurant, shopping spot, and other tourism information in Bali. Bali is the most interactive place that I have been visited after I traveled to several countries in Asia, and for any travelers who like to share information about your experience in Bali or in another places you are very welcome here, and let's share our experience and knowledge to know more about another life out there.
We are aware that the information is one of the most important things in your travel plans, with complete information about the places you want to visit your travel plans will be more practical and you will be able to save time and even cost.
Jalan Jalan Bali is Bali travel blog that created for all type of travelers from around the world to have some recommendation places to visit in Bali.
The blog is write based on our visit to various places in Bali such as Restaurant, Hotel, Spa, Activities, shopping, and other place of interest in Bali.
We also invite all of tourism providers to add information about your business or events into our Blog.
To add the information of your business please contact us at
we will make a short interview about your business and take a few picture for the recommend to our blog visitors.
Enjoy your holiday In Bali Paradise Island
Jalan Jalan Bali Team