Wow,.. That was impressive! that's all that i could said after watch the dance show in Ubud, Bali.
The dance was performed in "Puri Saren" (Ubud Palace) near the Ubud market, it performed by 11 Balinese professional dancers that wearing different costume and portray different characters. The stage was not very specials, it just a simple decoration in the courtyard of the palace, but they could make the situation very unusual with Balinese traditional music in the background along the performance, they really deliver the emotions to the audiences.
The stories of the dance is come from epic hindu texts like the infused with local island myths. You can enjoy the dance almost everyday starts from 07:30pm in Puri Saren Agung, but sometimes it will be moved to another places depends on weather condition or Palace activities. There is another places in Ubud that performing similar show with different story, check out the schedule bellow, I got the schedule from the local tourist information in Ubud.
Puri Saren ( Ubud palace )
Sunday - Legong of Mahabarata 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Monday - Legong Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Tuesday - Ramayana Ballet Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Wednesday - Legong and Barong Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Thursday - Legong Trance and Paradise Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Friday - Barong Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Saturday - Legong Dance 19:30 - Rp.80.000
Padang Tegal Stage
Sunday - Kecak Fire and Fire Dance 19:00 - Rp.75.000
Monday - Barong and Kris Dance 19:00 - Rp.75.000
Tuesday - Kecak Fire and Trance Dance 19:00 - 75.000
Wednesday - Kecak Fire and Trance Dance 19:00 - 75.000
Saturday - Kecak Fire and Trance Dance 19:00 - 75.000
Sunday - Legong Dance 19:30 - Rp.75.000
Wednesday - Topeng Jimat 19:00 - Rp.75.000
Friday - Barong and Kris Dance 18:00 - Rp.75.000
Saturday - Wayang Uwong Dance 19:00 - Rp.50.000
I also took a few picture of the dancers along the performance, and some explaining of the story portrayed through Legong and Ramayana dancing.
Legong Keraton Dance
The Story is a fable of mahabarata epic. The story starts with Raksasa Newatakawaca causing great trouble in the heavens. Raksasa was trying to destroy the world and havens. In response, the God of Indra ordered the angels Supraba and Arjuna to fight Raksasa Newatakawaca. Before the fight love sparked between the angels Supraba and Arjuna while they were at place of Raksasa Newatakawaca. Finally, with the magic of Supraba and the cleverness of Arjuna Raksasa Newatakawaca was killed.
Truna Jaya Dance
This dance expresses changing moods characteristic of the transitional period experienced by the youth of Bali. The movement expresses the enthusiastic energy of youth.
Oleg Tamulilingan Dance
A modern dance choreographed by the late Mario in 1952, Oleg Tambulilingan has become a popular addition to the repertoire of dances included in a Legong performance. Originally, it was danced by only one girl and called Oleg, a general term meaning the swaying of a dancer. Later, a male part was added to make it a duet, and the dance gained a new theme depicting two bumblebees (tambulilingan) flirting in a garden.
Topeng Arsa Wijaya Dance
Topeng is the Balinese word of mask. people classify masks into two different categories according to their expressions. Topeng alus, or the "Soft Mask", represents the tender, lenient and gentle character, while the antagonist is topeng keras or the "Tought Mask" representing the hard and relentless character.
Baris Dance (Warrior Dance)
The marching warrior dance "Baris" is widely known as an improvised dance in which the lead dancer is accompanied and followed by the others. When they all are together they moved as one unified entity. the dance represents their preparations for going into battle.
I hope those information could be your recommendation place to visit during your holiday in Ubud, Bali.
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